Product Details

Quizzes for Quirky Minds

₹ 250

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A quiz book that makes you say: Really? This is so cool! I had no idea!Have you ever wondered how Bluetooth got its name? Or who wrote Twinkle Twinkle LittleStar? Packed with interesting facts, this book will help you answer almost every random questionin a twinkling!A compendium of the immensely popular Easy Like Sunday Morning Quiz published in TheHindus Sunday Magazine, along with a whole lot of additional material and personal insights fromthe author make it an informative as well as a fun-read. In the pages of this book you will notonly find out which is the largest animal that lived on earth, but also how to bake a cake in amug and how to make your own musical instrument! To top it all, there are also some hilariousjokes and puns.

Stock: 150
Dimensions And Weight
Height: 1.32 cm
Width: 12.7 cm
Weight: 150 kg
Depth: 20.32 cm
Delivery by :31-Dec-2024| ₹13500 |

Seller:Rupa Publications India

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