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₹ 195

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But Miss Gamla did not like small boys. Or big boys, for that matter. She placed us high on her list of pests, along with monkeys (who raided her kitchen), sparrows (who shattered her sweetpeas) and goats (who ate her geraniums). We did none of these things, being strictly fun-loving creatures; but we did make a lot of noise, spoiling her afternoon siesta. We often look back at our time as children and think about them as the good old days—days full of mischief, wonder, curiosity and adventure. These are the days when we form lifelong bonds and make memories that become our balm on the hard days that life throws at us. These are the carefree days of galivanting, letting your imagination run wild and formulating grand plans. In Boys Will Be Boys, Ruskin Bond puts together a collection of stories and personal essays that capture the magical days of childhood. From adventures with wild animals and running amuck in ponds to finding ways of surviving algebra, a world of adventure awaits!

Stock: 9
Dimensions And Weight
Height: 0.97 cm
Width: 13 cm
Weight: 200 kg
Depth: 19.7 cm
Delivery by :05-Jan-2025| ₹18000 |

Seller:Rupa Publications India

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