Product Details

Governance for Growth in India (Old Edition)

₹ 295

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Indian elections for the 16th Lok Sabha saw many heated debates on various topics concerning governance. In such critical times, the 11th President of India, Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam urges the Indians to cast their vote for the right candidate. Through Governance For Growth In India, he expresses his vision for India and the contribution which each Indian citizen must make for the same.He maintains that the vision of a developed India can be brought to reality only if its citizens adopt a morally upright, honest, and hardworking approach to their lives. The grave issues concerning the rampant corruption which is prevalent in India are dealt in this book. Also, issues related to good governance and accountability are resolved in a practical manner in Governance For Growth In India.This book is such that it will appeal not only to parliamentarians and lawmakers but will also have a profound impact on the ordinary Indian citizens. This book was published by Rupa Publications India in the year 2014 and is available in paperback format.

Stock: 176
Dimensions And Weight
Height: 0.97 cm
Width: 12.85 cm
Weight: 500 kg
Depth: 19.84 cm
Delivery by :05-Jan-2025| ₹45000 |

Seller:Rupa Publications India

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