Product Details

A History of Indian Philosophy - Vol. 3

₹ 500

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Dr Surendranath Dasguptas in-depth work is mainly intended to provide a holistic exposition of Indian thought, based on original texts and commentaries. Occasionally, however, the author has discussed the views of other writers in the assessment of the chronology of facts.Years of dedicated study and painstaking collation of data yielded this phenomenal collection of all the strains of philosophic thought propagated by various schools and philosophers in India down the ages. Originally published in five volumes, the last being posthumous, A History of Indian Philosophy remains a seminal work for scholars and students alike.This edition presents the original work in three volumes for the first time, making it more accessible and easier to handle. Nothing of the original has been abridged or sacrificed to the book.

Stock: 5
Dimensions And Weight
Height: 4.37 cm
Width: 13.97 cm
Weight: 975 kg
Depth: 21.59 cm
Delivery by :31-Dec-2024| ₹87750 |

Seller:Rupa Publications India

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