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Punjab Punjabis and Punjabiyat: Reflections on a Land and its People

₹ 599

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Punjab, Punjabis and brings together Singhs best writings on Punjab, Punjabis and the Sikhs. Divided into three parts, the book deals with various aspects of the region its geography, climate, history, culture, religion, politics, language and literature. Part I of the book delves into Punjabs history, culture, language and Sikhism. Part ii covers the burning issues that affected the state during Singhs lifetime, including the pains of partition, the Khalistan movement, operation blue star, the anti-Sikh riots and more. Part iii is a collection of profiles of well-known Punjabis poets, politicians, activists, friends and family. The pieces in the book celebrate the culture, determination and spirit of the people of Singhs native land, a place he identified deeply with. Taken together, they give us a peerless portrait of Punjab and its people.

Stock: 1
Dimensions And Weight
Height: 1.6 cm
Width: 13.97 cm
Weight: 390 kg
Depth: 21.59 cm
Delivery by :31-Dec-2024| ₹35100 |

Seller:Rupa Publications India

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